Glow Up! Restorative Daily Facial Moisturizer


Glow Up! Restorative Daily Facial Moisturizer


Great for face and lips, this daily moisturizer uses Carrot Seed Oil* and Colloidal Silver* to regenerate and repair skin while soothing through its anti-inflammatory properties. Great for dry skin, acne, scarring and redness.

*Ingredients are also anti-bacterial

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Suggested Use: One to two times per day. depending on skin type and weather conditions (ie. twice per day in cold weather or for drier skin types).

Directions: Apply a nickel to quarter-sized amount to clean, slightly moist skin. Allow moisturizer to soak into skin completely before applying additional products. Reapply during day if necessary.

Ingredients: Rosehip Oil, Carrot Seed Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Witch Hazel, Colloidal Silver

Size: 2oz Jar